Thursday, July 30, 2020 - Casual Tead Talks

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nomad tea festival happened i don't know
if you checked that out
sam yeah so the woman sue uh in
australia that put that festival
together she used this new platform
called hoppin
h-o-p-i-n uh so that was interesting it
was all streamed and
the the experience was all through that
jeremy did you
join in that at all uh i was too late
okay i wasn't able to join it early on
and by the time because i like i
registered and everything
but it was interesting to hop in
when i went on the page it the layout
made it seem like everything was going
yeah and then i just kept clicking
through everything but nothing was live
yeah yeah it was an interesting so i
think i just got the timing all wrong or
but yeah you know she was streaming for
24 hours
yeah and i wasn't able to sort of get on
till sunday
okay yeah yeah so i'm not sure i might
have missed it because it would have
in the u.s on saturday right yeah it
started saturday morning at like seven
o'clock in the morning or something like
that yeah
see i probably and i went till sunday
seven in the morning
did it get weird saturday night
okay so yeah i was just too late to do
are they gonna repost it yeah sue says
she's gonna post
individual presentations there was some
good ones there was like a like there
was a bunch of technical difficulties
um and every single presentation that i
saw there was
something but you know they had a lot of
time they had 24 hours so i think
things got moved around but like even
the panel
that uh ray um um yeah that we were a
part of
um we were like 20 minutes
of the beginning time was just technical
problems with audio
and trying to understand the hop-in
so yeah that's kind of risky using a new
platform for something like that but
once our panel got going it really got
and uh what's funny and bring the velda
into the story is that like later that
um you know i streamed it and so you
could replay it back on
on on my social media so they were
watching it there
the playback and they were like live
texting me
like their response like they're like
you know like
their commentary um and it was pretty
vocal it's pretty strong you know like
such a simple conversation but some very
key things were said
um that i are still like in my head now
and still like in my feelings um
you know very heated feelings about a
um you know about all of these topics of
like sustainability and cultural respect
and you know taking a more holistic
at how we set up our systems and even
appreciate tea
um and that's what that's what ray and i
were like
we were just coming from that angle that
we have to look at it holistically and
the other person in the panel
was a very much not um so it got pretty
heated and actually he was a
very authoritative type of personality
uh he always had to have the last say so
it was like a really interesting
um you know like live conversation
dynamic uh because uh the voices
kind of raised a little bit um you know
and so the main thing that he was upset
about because i made some pretty
and passionate remarks as i usually do
i said something about commodity tea
being crap and we got to just get rid of
that crap i said something like that
and he took like severe offense to that
that like that i was insinuating that
british tea culture is crap and that
like um
you know moroccan mint tea appreciation
is crap
no the tea itself like the commodity
nature of the tea and how it's produced
is crab
the cultures you know yeah we should
definitely embrace them but then he was
trying to say that like those cultures
should be respected
to the same level of the cultures that
like ray is trying to talk about
with the ancient tea trees and um
yeah there was just a lot of going
around in circles and it was like the
classic boomer millennial you know
that you you hear about i mean the
should definitely be respected but they
like could be educated into
understanding where they came from
and their effects are like
their their of their over their
overarching and affects what are the
unseen effects
and it's like we could have you could
have the same
british tea culture and use better tea
yes exactly yeah without w
it would actually improve i think it
could improve the culture yeah
well and the culture would change too
and so that's what i was saying is that
if if we put better tea in it more
sustainable tea or whatever you want to
call it
that there's actually um
um it's it's difficult
and and maybe it won't fit in right away
and maybe that culture will have to
to make room for more sustainable
versus just um
you know because he was he was trying to
say that you that he
he does work with good tea so that's
what you've got to give credit to his
his viewpoint
he works with like reforesting lands in
and so like all the farmers that he
works with are like artisanal and
you know paying a better price and
having you know more
dignified systems for their communities
so that's good
and but he's trying to like plug in
these like green teas and black teas and
you know more artisanal teas
into like blended tea or into like the
moroccan tea culture or the british tea
and having some limited success you know
some people get into it
and they'll buy it for the sake of the
sustainability for the sake of the story
even if it's more expensive but like
the mass market you know fair trade
has has shown that you know like
people won't it still has to be
competitive with the commodity price
which you know the price has to be like
significantly more
in order to to be really sustainable for
the source
and how do you how do you
how do you go through that kind of
making it exclusive
yes yeah yeah that's we got to keep it
open and inclusive yes
well and and i mean at a certain point
if you you start
pricing people out of the market
and it makes it harder like
i'm sure there's a lot of tea drinkers
in the uk that can't afford
to drink good even if if all they could
get was
was quality tea at prices that like
respected the sourcing
there's probably a huge portion of the
market that couldn't afford it
not at the current consumption culture
that they have
correct so it's like that
so it goes into like changing a lot more
than just tea culture that it gets
into like how do all businesses treat
their workers
and making sure that everybody can
afford to drink good tea
yeah and it's like
everybody should be able to afford to
keep a roof over their head
keep food on their table have health
and drink good tea yep
because it's not that expensive to drink
good tea no
you could be on a mcdonald's budget and
and afford good tea but you would have
to change like if it's like a british
their tea culture is is the tea bag
every day at least once a day
um you know so if you were to fill a tea
filled with good tea then yeah maybe the
price of that tea bag would
increase significantly it's like if you
changed your consumption habit to not be
in the tea bag
but to like sit with a good tee for a
long period of time and get the full
value out of it
the pricing would probably be similar
but the culture consent the the the
culture of the consumption is
is um consume warm
you know like single use over and over
yeah they use a new tea bag every cup
kind of thing yep
so i don't think that i don't think it's
disrespectful to the culture itself to
say that maybe the culture needs to
and evolve maybe not even change just
to be more inclusive of quality of value
of other cultures yeah i mean that
kind of ties into
a whole world outside of tea as well i
if you look at a lot of the
the issues around race that's we're
experiencing here in the states it's
it's time for cert it's time for
our cultures to like wake up to
other effects that we don't necessarily
someone posted a very good video
yesterday a woman um
was explaining how we should approach
these things that
if if we want to really promote
we need to take the the personalization
out of it
so like focusing on the stories of like
individuals and the injustices that they
face versus
when you hear a story focusing more on
the system
like what are the the systems conditions
that cause this person to be hurt
uh because you know solving the problem
you know is is not just that one's
person's problem it's gonna end up being
you know hundreds and hundreds if not
thousands and thousands of other stories
of other people
facing similar theme of uh
oppression so it was good you know i
felt really smart i was like oh this
lady is smart
you know like yeah take it away from the
individual's stories because often times
that's that's what the media does
that's definitely like with the black
lives matter like they've definitely
done that you know focusing on the
stories of these individual names and
and that that kind of stops us from
really looking at the systemic
um you know approaches yeah well because
then you get the
oh well george floyd had a criminal
yeah yeah we gotta avoid that right and
so now we so now we can argue whether or
that individual had problem
like whether or not i mean some people
we can argue about that individual but
it doesn't like
change the the fact that
this is a systemic problem
so i i think there's a balance um
i was talking about this earlier with
uh with brian when we were talking we're
just talking about some of the one
ink stuff and like there's this balance
between focusing on the micro and
focusing on the macro
and you have to do both and it's like
really easy to get sucked into doing
one or the other or to be too
focused on one or the other because like
right now this present moment is a very
like to be focused here and now is a
very micro
and that's good i mean we should all we
always want to be here now and be
but doing that with the understanding in
the full
context of the macro
is really important
it's like how do we zoom in and out
or even like have both viewpoints at the
same time
we have to be open to it and i think
that just like with personality types
it is reasonable that maybe as
individuals as each of us as individuals
are more um
skillful at one or the other and so
where the real magic happens is when
we're able to bring those perspectives
bring those skills together to create
that more holistic viewpoint
you know i've always thought about that
like as a leader
like my ideal would be to possess all of
those skills which maybe yeah maybe
that's true
but at the same time that you can't fake
what you are
you know like the way that your brain
works and the way that you focus on
things and
you know it could be a feminine
masculine thing it could be a
astrological thing it could be whatever
but you know we definitely have
different ways of looking and
skilled at one or the other or balanced
you know but i think it's a little bit
you know polarized than not for for most
that's why men and women work well
together right because like the the
women are known
or the i should say women the feminine
is known to be very pragmatic
and like uh making smart decisions for a
long viewpoint
of of return versus masculine energy is
known for being much
more risk-taking and
much more focused on returns immediately
what are the progress that can be made
now looking less
at the future but if you bring those two
energies together you have like the
perfect combination
right because you have those people that
are going to be speaking up
when it's time to take a risk and trying
to do something bold
like right now you know that would be
the masculine energy and then the
feminine energy counters that and says
okay well
all right here let's calculate these
things and see how we may modify this
decision to
you know look out for the future um yeah
so yeah i definitely
agree with you on that that
like they're both needed yeah
they situationally
sometimes one is more important than
for like specific
moments in time but yeah it's
that's the balance of yin and yang
so yeah so yeah maybe we
we can't possess it ourselves all of it
that's what i'm trying to say no we
definitely can't
and and it's it's
it it requires humility to admit that
oh yeah to admit that you don't have
something and that you don't know
like i in in my experience with like
interviewing and hiring people
my sometimes my favorite answer from
somebody is that they don't know
yeah like oh good you you're not gonna
try and bullshit me you're gonna
actually just tell me oh you don't know
that great
that's really like i would i would
be able to trust that you'll tell me
like i'm kind of the same way with my
friends that i like it when my friends
tell me no
that or like when you go into the fridge
if you're somebody a friend's house
can't do right now but anyways if you go
into a friend's house and
they're like yeah you can have anything
in the fridge except for this it's like
great well then you actually
believe them whereas if they're like
yeah take whatever you want it's like
wait should i really take that
so it's like clear having those clear
boundaries is
to me really really helpful yeah
i think it's true like in relationships
it's not a real relationship it's not a
true relationship until you're prepared
to say no
until you're trusting over the other
person and not to say nope
nope can't do this can't do that
takes a while to get there but that's
usually like
my experience that's usually like the
last step
being able to tell people no is really
the sign of having the healthiest
and recognizing that that no is not like
the end of the relationship
yeah and that's it you can say no
without sort of fear it's just sort of
that's interesting i like that
i always have an issue with saying no
you have an issue with saying no yeah
in what ways you've never had a problem
saying no to me
that's it you don't you wouldn't even
notice you know because and that's
important to me
you know like it's not like uh i go
around the world
you know like looking for gratitude
for all the yes saying it's like it's
like it's like i almost want to say yes
with people not even noticing that i'm
always saying yes
you know that like it's just out of a
source of humility of always saying yes
um there's there could be a source of
humility and saying no
jeremy and i like that i like how you
put it that way
yeah i mean you got to you were present
for a
you were present at least for me
learning a hard lesson about
learning to say no to things
um and it
was really really good to like recognize
how to not learning to like
not give more of myself than i have to
give and
learning like to hold my boundaries a
little more
and it's it's good because it empowers
me to
the more i can do that like i feel like
the more i say no
the more i can say yes
because it's like the more i can hold my
the more power and strength i will have
that i can then give with
yeah whereas
if i over give and over extend myself
well then i'm depleted
so like say saying no is part of keeping
things sustainable
of course
you know my source of always saying yes
um which in the past couple of years
i've been working more and more on
saying no
um but like yeah years ago like when i
first started the company
i was just like constant say yes like
say yes to everything
and uh you know i do that in other parts
of my life as well
personal or whatever and
i think the way that i you know i don't
know justify
or you know kind of reason on why i do
that and i
and i it's not like i get myself into a
place of like oh shit i should have said
like i'm miserable now that i agreed to
do this thing and now
you know i wish i had said no i've never
done that it's not like that
um but i feel like it's almost like a
practice and patience
of like i'm just gonna go with the flow
and do whatever and even if it's like
the worst grunt work ever
uh my challenge is to find like the
satisfaction in that
um the lesson to be learned or the value
to be
found um you know and and doing that
type of work
or in in you know challenging yourself
to do something that maybe you're not
comfortable with or whatever it may be
i don't know do you think that's that's
uh no i don't i wouldn't say that i mean
for my for myself it comes from like
this like
from insecurity and
like it's more so like people-pleasing
um and also possibly
that it's easier
to do what other people want me to do
than to think about what i want to do
that if somebody's going to lay a path
before me it's like oh yeah i'll walk
that path great
it's much easier to walk that path than
it is to like
decide my own
and get everybody else to walk your path
yeah or let them walk there let them
walk their path
and i'm gonna walk mine and sometimes
they'll be in parallel and sometimes
they'll cross
and sometimes they'll diverge and that's
that's it yeah
i'll say this um
i'll bring this um
uh since back in like 70s and 80s john
paul ii
wanted to know what love is and he wrote
a book what is love
and the first thing he decided to do is
figure out what is hate
what is one thing no matter who you are
where do you live what your belief
system is
what is the one thing every single
person has in common
what do they hate and everybody hates to
be used
and i think every single person says i
hate to be used
so he says if that's hate and love is
the opposite
and what that means is that you have to
offer yourself to people
it's like you have to share yourself
with people and this is vulnerability
this is humility this is making yourself
available to people
but don't ever let yourself be used and
everybody knows that everybody knows
somebody crossed the line and you're
being used and that's when you say no
i think that should be sort of the
standard where you you know you know
when people coming to you and they're
like you know
they take advantage of you they're using
you but you always know it at the time
or do you see it after the fact
i think if it happens to you enough you
yeah i think that's a i think that's a
skill that we can learn
i just lost your audio jeremy
i'm bad at that i love this hey
jeremy we lost like your last 30 seconds
of audio
oh it's just breaking up yeah
no i i think i was just saying that
um basically
you know if if
if you allow yourself to be used that's
hate and that's that's the limit when
you have to say no
and typically after you live a life long
enough and after you have enough
experiences you know exactly
what people are doing to you and you
know when you're about to be used
and that's when you say no because
that's just hate
and you can't let that into your life
when you have the option to push it away
you guys look frozen did i no no no
i'm usually still for a second i thought
i broke off first
so but i think
a lot of i mean the way
the way capitalism works is
companies use their employees i mean
it's like
we trade our time for money every day
yeah and at a certain
level like we're being used
so and people don't feel empowered
to say no to that
because if you say no well now you don't
have income and that means you don't
have a house and that means you don't
food and means you don't have good teeth
yes it's fear just fear and risk is too
much for people
and i think that's typical
so you have to trust love love is harder
to trust
oh yeah i think i think it's because
hate is something you see
is something you feel something you
in a more visceral way
and and people have a hard time
i guess you know just people have a hard
time with it so it is it's a lot of risk
a lot of fear
to having to walk away from situations
you know are going to be destructive
and i don't think like people are i
don't think you you necessarily blame
people for saying
for staying with something long enough
like you said if it's a job if people
are dependent on you
it's yeah how do you make that decision
um so it becomes more nuanced and
complicated the more people are involved
but if it's face-to-face one-on-one
you know you you typically can realize
who's going to be a benefit to you and
who's really going to be a hindrance
i think yeah i it's interesting i think
the way that you're talking about hate
and stuff such it
that is part of what triggers our like
fight-or-flight survival instinct
in a way that love doesn't
so it it could be something
around that like the presence of
fear triggers that whereas
the presence of
not fear doesn't really
do anything yeah
like the the like
state of the state of being of like
equilibrium and presence and stillness
and contentment
and comfort it doesn't feel like
i don't think anybody's ever really felt
i don't think anybody's ever been fully
present i don't know has ever happened
um we strive for it and people spend
their entire lives striving for it
but it really doesn't happen because
that's typically where fear comes from
fear is you projecting the past into the
so you've actually played out the
scenario in your head before it even
and you just move forward based on that
and that's
kind of irrational but it's really how
we all operate
well our best predictor of the future is
the past
yeah but anything that went wrong in the
past you automatically projected onto
the future and that's where the fear is
or you can create a path sort of like in
your mind you can you can
you can live out a situation
and sometimes it becomes so real that
you can make a future decision based on
dude that's weird you're saying that
we're living in an age where we're
afraid to love
sorry what was that we're living in an
age when we're afraid of love
yeah absolutely because
it's i heard
someone talk about selfishness she had a
fantastic perspective on selfishness
and he didn't really see it as
you know basically he just saw as you
denying yourself to others
and he says you have to share yourself
with others
you have to make yourself a benefit to
so he says the most selfish person isn't
necessarily like the one that hoards
money or the one that
keeps secrets or something like that is
it the most selfish person could be the
quietest person
like you ever met or the most harmless
person you ever met
but it's that they have so much to offer
but they don't give it
they don't share it with you but that's
fear that's hard
that's really hard to actually sort of
like open yourself
up to people in a real way that they can
benefit from you
because there's risk of being hurt
well yeah and you're gonna be hurt it's
not like there's a risk it's gonna
thanks thanks for that reassurance
but it makes you stronger i mean that's
my whole thing right it's it's
it's these it's these little sufferings
in life it makes you stronger
you learn yeah you adapt
these things are necessary they have to
happen for us to
become better people and more
importantly better for each other
you know what's the worst of all of this
is whenever you do effectively
do this vulnerability and and loving act
of sharing yourself
and the person that you're trying to
share that love with
doesn't believe you they don't trust you
because you know
it's so odd it's like what what you're
really being vulnerable like this nah i
can't be
what's up your sleeve what do you what
do you got going on
it happens all the time i mean even with
my business right like
a lot of times when people first learn
about what we do especially people that
have been in the business for a long
they're like no it can't be it's too
good to be true like they immediately
just write it off like uh it can't be
like someone willing to be dishonest and
this giving no way
no way i can't it can't be true um it's
the same effect i believe
what i what i've kind of experienced is
there's there's so much effort that goes
into being shady
that it's like if you just save all of
effort for the times that you do get
you'll have plenty of effort left over
to get to get over whatever
bad thing happens
that's huge yep
i'm just gonna redirect the effort of
doing shady stuff to like
overcoming whatever bad stuff that
happened you know they say that it takes
a whole lot less
muscles to smile but you know you got
people walking around with resting bitch
face all the time
like what like
you know
your mother was right when she saw you
looking in the mirror or something and
making faces at yourself
yeah it does get stuck that way your
face like it's stuck that way
yeah if hannah were here she would tell
she would know how many muscles
but yes it definitely takes fewer
muscles to
to smile than it does to um
to frown that's the frown like
the the way our face is constructed
like our jaw hangs off of our skull
so in order to like frown we have to
pull our jaw
up against our skull and like
it's not a relaxed
way of having our face yeah
whereas if we just relax our chin will
hang and that's a smile
i think i think this is the new the new
method to teach people how to love
hate's too exhausting
it's like it really is hates
hate evil it's like god it's just so
such a waste of time i'm trying to lose
weight right now
you know i want to burn those extra
calories let me
i i i'm with you on that though jeremy i
mean i had
an issue with
a consulting client that
um stiffed me on a bill
and it was enough that it was like
not it was enough that i could it was
enough that it was very
difficult to just like let go of it
like it's okay if they never pay me yeah
but the the process of like
doing that was very very liberating
and um
and the result was that it was probably
less effort
to put it down and walk away from it
then it would have been to continue to
continue chasing after it yeah yeah
and i mean fortunately like six eight
months later it finally came around but
it like i stopped chasing it
and like i'm gonna take all of the
energy that i would invest
in trying to collect this thing and
overcome this hate that somebody has got
towards me
i'm going to take all of that energy i'm
going to redirect it towards
creating something new of the same value
and it was
much more fulfilling
for sure yeah
there's um
this is sort of an extreme example but
you know it's um
it's ava core and she actually passed
away recently there's a holocaust museum
in terre haute called candles
and avacor is a holocaust survivor
she has obviously horrifying stories to
tell you but it was important to her
to keep that history present for the
to know what evil really is like what it
really is
later in life she was heavily criticized
because she forgave
that basically she forgave the nazi she
forgave the prison
the concentration camp guard she forgave
and she has a story about how it took
you know nearly two years for her to
come to that
it took about two years to decide to do
that but her explanation was i can't
with this in my heart i can't live with
this resentment and it was the most
you can and she was more justified to
have that than any other person alive
but she couldn't do it she just couldn't
she couldn't live with it anymore
and she forgave them and she obviously
oh yeah he froze up on us again
that's a cool story though yeah
forgiveness is huge
very powerful oh
man yeah we lost you again jeremy
oh right before right before
the good stuff too oh okay
yeah well you you just said that she
forgave everybody and that was
yeah incredible yeah because she because
she said it took her like two years
to come to that decision to do it um
but her entire reasoning was that
that it was too much for her it was too
exhausting she couldn't live
with this weight like on her heart all
the time
this this resentment this
and she's more justified than any other
to carry that with her and she was
heavily criticized by
many sort of jewish organizations for
taking that step
but she said it's better like this
because that weight
is gone and
and it's hard i mean it's hard and you
go to the you know when you go to the
museum and you hear the story that she
tells herself it's
horrifying i mean it's just a nightmare
and she said i lived this but it was
so much it's so overbearing that she had
to let it go at some point
um but obviously that's the extreme
um but it was it was interesting she
said it was just it was
i think i think she did it like in her
it was later in life um
but she said she just couldn't do it it
was too much
it was too much for her to carry that
with her
it's too you know yeah my energy needs
to be reallocated somewhere else
this weight needed to be lifted this
resentment needs uh something else
needed to take its place
oh she was 90s or something when she
passed away
very recently
um it's not many of them still alive
yeah no time but it's really
i mean it's the most amazing place
especially when you had a chance to hear
speak that you go into this holocaust
and all you'd see is just evil the
evilest thing men have ever done to each
and then in the end this woman who said
i endured it all but i forgave them
i mean it's it was an exhaustion and
exhausting experience going to that
place and listening to her
and she was so important she got
together i think with steven spielberg
and a few others
she there's like uh this virtual version
of her
no you're still here oh okay yeah you're
frozen but we
we got the audio yeah oh no the video am
i in was completely frozen
what was her name again jeremy ava core
kor um but when you go to the museum
spielberg sat down and she answered like
500 questions
or something i think maybe more than
maybe it was like 1500 questions
so there's an interactive like hologram
of her
so you can ask her questions and she can
answer them for you
spielberg and s few other people
wanted to she they said she was too
important her story had to stay alive so
found a way to actually make her
interactive nice after she was gone
cool yeah so this is just like from last
because it happened in poland and every
year she goes back to poland
and it was really bizarre because she
actually tweeted
something about something about eating
something like like this is the worst
thing i've ever had and then we find out
the next day that she
she passed away but she was how old was
90 something i'm sure
her last that that's a legitimate fear
that my last meal will just not be good
that's why i cook a really good meal
every meal
you never know
that's it in the end that's it you never
yep and you could you could yeah you
cook very well for yourself elise i
do i've seen your instagram yeah you
never know
you know like i could get hit by a truck
or whatever you know so i just
i want to make sure i ate good
hey jeremy i came across something for
interesting information over this past
week that i was looking forward to share
with you
um oh 85 i was wrong
she it was 85 yeah yeah i'm reading this
article she's 85 here
um you know our uh
our coveted doctor dr fauci
yeah he's a classicist
really what
wait repeat that i'm sorry he's a
so he that's that was his undergrad
degree and then he ended up going to med
school after that how do you go from
being a classicist to like
a doctor you know there are some i
there are philosophy majors that get
accepted into medical school
yeah because they have the mind for it
yeah essentially if you if you're an
expert in like classics or philosophy
you know how to break down and retain
information just as good as anybody
it's a very very small percentage of
people but there are people that go from
like the liberal arts right to med
yeah yeah i was checking out his bio
because someone was trying to tell me
that he was a food scientist i was like
i'm not a food scientist there's no way
did you tell norwood i'll tell you
but i ended up being more shocked with
his education history i'm like
not only is he not a food scientist but
he's a freaking classicist oh my god
jeremy's gonna love this
yeah because that's jeremy's background
and jeremy's always commenting about how
niche of a
group of people those scholars are
oh we're fewer and fewer departments are
closing down
it's just not it's just not high demand
well no because now now we instead of
studying history
yeah it's easier that way we're all
about efficient we're all about
efficiency now
too lazy for all this we don't need to
learn what happened we'll just
make it up i know
i gotta read more about this now college
of holy cross
yeah now now you have something to look
forward to
that's a jesuit school i knew it i
knew it
i knew there was something about this
oh my gosh
you know what though when i was when i
was in classics there was a lot of
pre-med people
there to take latin because
pretty much every scientific word
is a derivative of latin or greek mostly
so they come so pre-med people take
latin just so that they can it'll help
i guess remember all the technical terms
a little easier
very fun but they don't like stick
around to
read all the good stuff
everyone goes through cicero but you got
to move on to augustine after that
they only do the bare minimum of it
are we up there we'll follow those busy
oh on the house
there i don't know but she said
sorry i'm working at the moment sad face
and it's still early it's early in the
morning over there it's still like seven
o'clock in the morning or something like
yeah i don't know all those early
rising people i don't get it
i'm one of them
yeah like nine o'clock is like early
rising for me but i mean what time do
you go to bed
oh like three or four in the morning
yeah so
i i'm like i
i made it to 11 p.m last night wow
that's good i should switch my schedule
up i should make that happen that'd be
good for my health i mean
i like i like being up in the morning
before the world starts
but you live in you live in a city that
never sleeps
you know i am like i'm like going
through like a down
right now and this whole pandemic stuff
just like really down that there's
nothing to do
you know i was like quite content just
in my house for all those months but now
i'm realizing
yeah it doesn't matter this is the city
that doesn't sleep i'm not
i'm not going to the casinos i'm not
going going out to
you know party all night
yeah it's funny like hannah and i
through through all of the
stuff that we've been going through for
the last week
um a house
popped up on the market like right
around the corner from where we live
that is like right
it's exactly what we would want if we
were gonna buy a house
in terms of size in terms of yard in
terms of location
um it is a little bit of a stretch
budget wise
but what it what it got us looking at is
so we're here in l.a all of the things
that we like
doing like the food here is pretty good
the entertainment scene is really good
none of that stuff's gonna be back to
like the way it
was yeah anytime soon yeah
so it's like why would we cons why would
we be thinking about planting roots here
that it's like this is just not gonna be
i don't think it's ever gonna really go
back to the way that we want it
or the way that we really enjoyed it
and even if it does i'm not 100 sure
that we would be able to enjoy it i mean
we went we were in malibu this last
um and
figured well we're here we might as well
put our masks on and go like take a
stroll down the beach
and it was just like really really
because it's crowded and nobody's
wearing masks and it's like i don't want
to be here anymore
so it was an interesting experience for
but it helped us like realize that oh
maybe it's time to leave la
and we kind of don't mind
the not going out
but part of it could be that we enjoy
each other's company
yeah until
i'm sorry until i mean we're
we're coming up on six years and it's
getting it and it's getting
better so that's good
my guess is until we make a baby
and then and then when we make a baby
then hey you know right now is a good
time to make a baby sam
what right now is a really good time to
make a baby
we're practicing
oh that's good to hear that's very
different than what i was hearing from
you guys last year so that's good
i'm so excited for you guys yeah i mean
we're we're definitely
it's definitely not happening anytime
soon but
we'll get there like it's it's on it's
on the roadmap cool
awesome oh no we that was like
big decision happening this week is like
oh great we're gonna
we we've started looking in other areas
the we where we're looking right now for
half of what we would spend on a house
down here we'll get the same house and
five to ten acres of land and where is
um we're looking like just north of
fresno oh okay
cool so like oakhurst course gold
like between fresno and yosemite
basically like up in the foothills
nice well i'll probably get to visit you
more often there
than in l.a yeah because i go to fresno
awesome yeah and like i mean
the the idea of having
a mortgage that is less than two
thousand dollars a month
is like insane to us
but we don't go anywhere anymore so why
do we still
why stay here in la where
we're paying to be close to a lot of
stuff to do that we don't do
so instead we'll go buy a property and
make it fun
cool you can make a little bit we'll go
and we'll build all sorts of cool stuff
and then people will come visit
we'll be here terre haute's not on the
oh it's not on the radar i'm sorry well
if you if you
don't want a mortgage you can come to
terre haute because whatever you make on
that money you could buy
you could probably buy a small mansion
it's like all cash and no mortgage right
so that's one thing to consider that's
what my parents did i mean they made so
much money on their california house and
they came to terre haute they just
bought a house and for the first time in
life they didn't have a mortgage yeah
that's like it's kind of our goal is to
our our retirement plan is not to like
a like revenue maximize income over the
course of our lives
it's more to like make it so that our
life doesn't cost anything
yeah like if i
i designed my life in a way that it
doesn't cost anything then
what it does cost i should be able to
make by doing what i want to do
and having fun i'm surprised terre haute
isn't a
more developed place you know like as
like a suburb of
of like chicago too far
but that's you can
you can get the downtown with three and
a half
on clear traffic um
but that's why that's why terre haute
the original sin city because that's
that's for uh
i can't remember what he is i think it's
like my mother's great uncle or
something is eddie guys now
and eddie gosnell ran the bootlegging
bootlegging warehouses for the mobsters
out of chicago
and his wife was madame brown so she ran
all the local brothels
and all this was happening on cherry
street um
but what it was is terre haute was the
perfect location it was far enough away
that the police would never go there it
was the closest you can get to chicago
with people not putting any efforts
like so law enforcement is too far for
law enforcement to go
but close enough that it was an easy
trip for people
so back in the day it had its purpose it
had its
connection with chicago not so much
i bet i have family that visited there
because i my my dad's side of the family
is from chicago
and like
great uncle moe or somebody like
back deep back far enough in the family
they they were they were in competition
with the u.s
mint the department of treasury
yeah so they probably they might have
visited terre haute a time or two
oh i'm sure the reason why it's called
crossroads of america
is because the 40
the highway 41 was a highway that
connected chicago to miami
and 70 connected new york city to los
so that's why it became known as the
crossroads of america
so everybody sort of at some point and
just like today at some point
people driven through
they don't stop anymore but
if you if you travel not through the
midwest because i've had a lot of people
tell me that
oh i've been through terre haute
well i remember
yeah but yeah it's glory day i think the
problem is
it's there's some i think it's a little
still ashamed of its past
when i think it really needs to embrace
it a little bit more
not necessarily like let's revive sin
but you know it has it has a
much more interesting history than
people know about
well we could also just rewrite it
because that's true that's the thing
that we do these days
who's gonna fact check a story about
terre haute
that's where the aliens landed right
yes now behind the penitentiary
no on the side of the federal
penitentiary that's
why it was chosen to be built there
that's a good enough story maybe it's
not actually a penitentiary
like alien science lab yeah not a lot of
people know a lot about what's going on
there you know
oh no yeah it is
to get in contact with my security guard
connections it's funny i met a few i met
a guy
through the farmers market a couple guys
through the farmers market and they work
out in the penitentiary
but they're not allowed to tell us
anything because of course everyone's
saying like oh who's out there
you know what's going on but they're not
allowed to say anything to us
maybe there's a reason and so but it
always makes you think there's more to
it than it
than you think always
you have such an interesting social
circle jeremy
between between your friends at the
penitentiary and your
friend and your friend the coroner
like the coroner the embalmer the
yeah oh yeah i
i know i know some
stranger people than those but you'd
have to come to terre haute to meet him
so that's your incentive all right
hey i've been to terre haute i don't
remember meeting me with people yeah
you're there for like an hour okay
you know where launch is that smaller
office yeah
the smaller business that's cherry
street oh okay cool
but now it's a
indiana state university and student
so back in the day that was where
everything was
everything went down
yeah you could start a business you
could start a commemorative business
you know and it could be all like clean
clean fun you know
don't start a brothel near student
housing not a good idea
just say it i mean the talent pool would
be incredible
they're just tea servers they're just
this is not a brothel this is a tea
no that that property i looked at
that there's a large large building
that makes aluminum piping
back in the 20s 30s 40s 50s that's where
the main breweries and across the street
was the employee bar
and upstairs was the brothel
and that place was available for lease
and i remember i actually looked at it
because it was old-school terre haute
the idea was to turn the brothel into an
and turn the bar into sort of a t lounge
but it's still standing and the history
is all there
but it was interesting when the guy was
showing it to me just takes me upstairs
this is where the brothel was
all right so there are remnants
of terre haute's history left but he
he really wanted it to go to someone
that would actually use it
properly because he said the only
serious offer he got was a landscaping
who wanted to use like the grounds to
store all the equipment and use the
upstairs to make offices
and like downstairs to entertain clients
and he refused to rent the company
to rent the building to these people
what if they would entertain the clients
yeah see it could
yeah maybe there's more to it i think he
did offer to go into business with me
so maybe he's like i take upstairs
should take downstairs
and no questions asked
yeah maybe i should look into that again
because the place actually went up for
like two months ago
so maybe that's a sign i should look
into it again
in all seriousness elise is that uh
is that a thing with like in china when
i i noticed like
lots of young female
tea servers is that like
that's just sexism okay
you'll know when it's a brothel you will
definitely know when it's a brothel
they say me how many
the first time that my brother and i
landed in in
uh jinhong airport um
sohan wasn't able to meet us until the
next morning so he said oh just get in a
taxi and tell them to take you to the
hotel area
because you know jing hong has like a
pretty big urban area
uh tourism area and the taxi driver
ended up dropping michael and i off at
like the
the prostitute district which is just
like a couple blocks up from the tourism
i have no idea why
the plan a trick on us or something but
we just got out of the taxi
and um we went to the first looking
and all the rates are you know hourly
and all the girls are like tugging on my
brother and i'm like michael i don't
think that this is like hotels for us
so we had to walk like four blocks
through you know
prostitute street passing all the girls
and yeah it was very obvious
you know there was no uh mysterious tea
houses although a lot of these hotels
had tea tables
you know as is expected in you none
so they were definitely drinking tea but
um yeah i know i just think that like
kind of the sexualized and i talk about
this when i talk about sexism in the tea
industry is that
um and in all of the cultures the tea
cultures there is objectification of
specifically sex like uh you know like
sexualizing women um for the sake of
sexualization only
and kind of pigeonholing them into jobs
accentuate that so like the t plucking
you know even like the
the picturesque you know scenes of women
out in the fields plucking tea
if you look and then you can say that
this tea was plucked by a virgin
yeah you know they'll say some shit like
that yeah um
but yeah if you look at like images you
know if it's a photograph
they'll definitely you know try to
capture her smiling and looking
but if you look at like illustrations of
it it's
definitely sexualized like even the ones
from like the 40s and the 50s
um yeah just really unnecessarily
sexualized and the same thing for
chinese tea culture if it's not the
virgin t pluckers which you know in
chinese folklore i think that
there has been instances of tea
you know uh sexualizing women in the
marketing of their tea
but um you know the place for women is
in like the graceful service
and art of serving tea versus like the
business of tea
or or even like the processing of tea
like that's a man's work
um but yeah i don't think that they're
tea hostesses but jeremy i think that's
a good thing that you could get going
and tear hope you know given that that's
a good thing that could happen here in
vegas too
you know i mean it's a thing
yeah well there was a boba shop here it
was called it was called milk teas
and you know not to say that it was a
proper tea house or anything but it was
like a bubble tea shop
and and all the girls wore lingerie and
they were like hostess
you know like in the in the korean or
culture of hostessing you know it's just
like pretty girls that like
sit with you and flirt with you and make
you feel special and you
buy drinks and you know it's kind of
like a plug and play date
you know you go to these bars and so the
boba shop
yeah you go order your boba and when the
waitress would bring your boba she'd
stand there and flirt with you um how
you liked your balls
yeah yeah there was a lot of ball jokes
don't choke on the balls careful suck
yeah it's so funny i got a funny story i
won't name
name but the a t friend you know like
when they were open actually that place
closed a couple years back
but when they were open anytime we had
three friends we'd always take them
like oh this is our most advanced tea
shop here in town is this laundry
boba shop and we took one friend
um and he was so skeptical he was like i
don't want to go i don't like these
these hostess you know they think that
they they think that you like them that
you care about them and they're just
looking for your money they're just
looking for your money
we were there not five minutes and that
hostess had him
right that server had him wrapped around
her finger
and you know he was just so friendly and
just so engaged with the conversation
then he ended up tipping a lot
and i'm like see see what happened it
worked that's
that's the business model who's like no
no no she actually liked me we were
actually friends
like that was good like yeah she just
did a really good job
but yeah it can be a thing jeremy you
the college kids will love it
yeah okay
young crowd well it depends if college
ever comes back from the session
oh that's true that just gives you more
time to plan it all out
that's true and get your space
you know i think like uh in the next
like six months it's gonna be so easy to
swoop in
on on real estate
oh yeah maybe not in indiana so much
because you said that your economy has
been holding up pretty strong
like here in vegas it's really bad
it's hard it's hard to say now i mean a
lot well a lot of the places i know
um were able to reopen
i was actually really surprised that the
climbing cafe
reopened um because
it was uh because it was it was so long
and when it was back there were so many
restrictions and now there's new
restrictions it's
he's he's just like you know the typical
furious business owner but he was able
to come back
and reopen but i don't think we see it
everywhere else but i think it's just a
smaller community and we're actually
fairly loyal
to each other so the restaurants once
they reopen
people kind of flock back
um but
yeah i so i can imagine vegas
i mean it's just so it's just it's very
pretty much all hospitality isn't it
isn't it the entire cities built around
yeah and every vacation is built around
all you do it's like every vacation is
always one meal to the next
yeah so that's why the the governor is
being so
um insistent on keeping the restaurants
and hospitality hotels casinos keep them
all open because it is such a big part
of the economy here
but i you know i don't know if that's
necessarily the right
decision because it's um
you know it's it's really expensive to
have to be opening and closing you know
and that's what's happening
if someone test positive in your staff
you know there's this whole protocol you
have to go through
and it's costly you know mostly in in
startup costs to start your restaurant
to like buy all your ingredients and
stuff so
um you know i
i don't know i think that there there's
a smarter way to be approaching all of
this and if they really did want to
protect the restaurants which i actually
don't necessarily agree with
you know there there needs to be some
type of choline
because it's just over saturated um
and so this could be a good opportunity
for that you know the
the businesses that are the most
resilient and the most
innovative are going to survive
but yeah how long ago was it remember
when your mayor offered
to use vegas as a test case yeah we're
doing good we're doing good at that yeah
yeah she offered to just say we're back
to normal and she said we will be the
um but that never really played out the
way she wanted it to
but it's almost it's almost there you
know because the governor the governor
he if he had it his way i think the
governor would be following
you know what california is doing and
everybody else is doing but
um you know i think that there are other
influences which the mayor i think is
probably a lot more aligned with
of like opening the economy is more
important and if people
need to die for it let them die for it i
think california's had
taken a similar stance around not doing
sweeping closures
that we're just kind of kind of work
with the situation as it is
yeah kind of thing but it did
dialing back sorry if this is off topic
but for for jeremy's
t-bar off of college campus we have to
make you got to make sure that you
get a kombucha beer bong
that you can like pour from if you can
pour it from the upstairs and fill the
thing up with kombucha
i like it that's intense
i throw up i can't
hook up for every table oh definitely oh
that's cool
i've got hemp you can you can use uh in
your hookahs
is cannabis legal there
in illinois it is i think in illinois it
now um but we don't even have medicinal
marijuana so we're way off
so i think we have to go and get your
uh usually people who come back from
dude it's a whole it's a whole system
kind of but now the illinois i was
because um we were joking around about
how what we really need to do is put up
like a little hut
uh roadside stand on the border of
illinois in indiana
have it to like to go shop so you're
just handing it to them as they're going
back into the state
because there's there's there's no other
reason for them to go
um i don't know if that's legal yet but
i know
illinois has a lot of reduced
yeah yeah i mean there's still the like
crossing state lines with the thing i
mean i think that's still
even now i think like california nevada
colorado oregon washington have like
just recently gotten something in place
where it's like
taking cannabis from california to
nevada is not gonna end you up in prison
well this was a lot of fun guys i think
i need to wrap up
that i have another meeting at 4 but
this was fun and light-hearted compared
to last week
yeah yeah for sure i i appreciate you
not too light-hearted you know we we got
a little deep there for a bit
yeah we we always do that's what he does
it always starts but it ends well
keeping it real
yeah so
thank you guys very much yeah yeah i'll
see you guys next week
have an awesome week all right

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